Summer Colours Week Kicks Off Today!

    Yellow tape

    Today we're kicking of Summer Colours Week, which I've been so looking forward to (and summer) for a bit now! Always a favourite time of year, and today it's all about yellow! So please join us, and if you're new to our Colour Weeks, it's all about inspiration, and uploading your best images for the selected colour of the day to our Summer Colour Pool over at flickr. Then throughout the day and into the evening I'll post some of the images here on the blog along with a summary of the day each evening. The schedule is as follows:

    June 27, Monday - Yellow
    June 28, Tuesday - Pink
    June 29, Wednesday - Blue
    June 30, Thursday - Rainbow
    July 01, Friday - Red

    Also: Let's use the hashtag - for any posts/tweets related to it!

    You can join in anytime and here's some guidelines: Upload your images to our Summer Colour Week flickr pool. New images preferred, not something already posted to any of our other colour pools in the past. Images don't need to be actually taken that day, just something summer-themed (like beaches, fairs, bbq's, water, etc.) Keep on track with the assigned colour of the day. Eg; Monday upload yellow colours only until 6pm Pacific, when you can then start to upload Tuesday's colour. We would prefer to keep product pictures out of the pool. Please upload your "best" only. Let's make this a beautiful pool for us all to be inspired by! Feel free to invite your friends to participate, the more the merrier, and most importantly it's all about having fun and being inspired!

    Also stay tuned for our July Lookbook! It's ready to go - we were just having uploading problems over at Issuu on Sunday but will try again later today!

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Summer Colours Week Kicks Off Today!

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