Daily Photo

    Rather than post the photo first this time, I'm going to tell you why I chose this particular one. You see, I was at the supermarket today buying peaches. Why? Because peaches are my favorite fruit (and these are seriously delicious!). That was going to be my photo (well, I guess I ruined part two)... Anywhoo, that wsa up until you sent me this ridiculously cute text message as I was walking back to my apartment. It really came out of nowhere (well... It was in reply to my questions here on my blog) but still, it was random. But it was so sweet. You followed it up with "Kaelah Dawn Popsicle Stick" and it was the cutest thing ever. You are truly amazing. I know you've already seen this, but others haven't and I'll never run from an opportunity to show how genuinely fantastic you are.

    But I don't want to leave out my sweet peaches! They have a meaning, too! Peaches are my favorite fruit, as I said above. They're yummy and I love the color peach as well. Not to mention I call Georgia my sweet little peach and I've always thought my future would look nice in a sweet southern/coastal town of Georgia. Everything about the south just makes me feel at home. I want to have a peach tree in our backyard. Just so you know. This is my little "well I told you that one time!" bit so I don't have to explain it again a few years down the line ;). I really want a little peach tree though. It'd be the perfect addition to our little house. I'm getting so excited about finding a place with just you. Just us. It sounds so lovely! It'll be a bit of a stretch financially, but I know it's something we can do. It's time we put on our big kid britches and grow up! I'm so excited that I'll be hugging you and kissing you in less than 12 hours! Now go get some sleep! Sweet dreams, sweet pea. ♥ [CLICK HERE to check out Mike's Daily Photo]


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Wedding Wednesday!

    I am in LOVE with this shoot! The beautiful dancer and the gorgeous dress! And her hair! The charming fella in the great outfit! Oh my goodness!

    Doesn't this couple just look like so much fun?! The adorable dress, the wonderful tabletop centerpieces, and the GORGEOUS styling! Swoon!

    UM HI BEAUTIFUL EVERYTHING! I know these aren't the same wedding, but they're the same photographer. And well, both of these are AWESOME.

    How about that paper flower installation, huh?! Oh my stars! I need that in my life! I love when couples take a handmade approach to weddings and it's so over-the-top-but-still-subtle like this! And those flower arrangements and centerpieces are some of the most fantastic I've ever seen! I love the wood block numbers. They'd be great for practical purposes in the home afterwards, too! You must check out this feature! [BTW, the photographer is the oh-so-talented Kyle Hale who I featured way back in the day! Cool!] OH OH OH! One more thing, the awesome paper flower installation is done by Dolci Odille and you can go oogle and drool over the blog by clicking HERE. I'm currently doing so.]

    The flowers! Ooooh the flowers! [And the bride's incredible red hair!]

    Gah! I just can't help but swoon over such well-done weddings! Can I get married now?! Please?! I want my childhood, fairytale, ~dream wedding, too! You can view the original features of all the weddings by clicking on the ♥ under the photos! Now for the weekly wedding question!

    How do you feel/where do you stand on the bride taking the groom's last name? Is it too traditional for you? Is it expected? What do you think of women who choose to keep their maiden name? And how about the hyphenated last name? [Okay.. there were several questions...]

    Just curious! Mike and I were discussing this the other night and I'd love to know what you all think! At the end of the day, I think it's totally the bride [and groom]'s call and there's no right or wrong answer. Some have some very special reasons for wanting to keep their maiden name, and some think that taking on the new last name is expected and a perk of being married. Let's hear your thoughts!


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Wedding Wednesday!

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Domino Magazine Online Revival...

    Domino Magazine Comeback
    Domino Magazine Comeback

    It seems to be a good couple of weeks for hearing about beloved magazines bringing their content back online. Last week it was exciting to hear about Gourmet and if you haven't heard yet, this week I read about Domino bringing back its archives to Brides.com. They have already started to put content up here -- hallelujah! Sadly neither one of these magazines will be back in print, but if you didn't save numerous back copies -- at least we can see their gorgeous content again digitally.

    (photo by Marcus Nilsson)

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Domino Magazine Online Revival...

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Modern Cabin

    Chicken Point Cabin
    Chicken Point Cabin

    Wow! What a place this would be to relax and getaway. This modern cabin is called the Chicken Point Cabin and is located in Northern Idaho. Low maintenance materials were used and the space is intended to be a seamless extension to the natural setting. What a beauty! I can't get over that revolving wall of windows. It is designed by Olson Kundig Architects. (via the Contemporist)

    Photos by Benjamin Benschneider

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Modern Cabin

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Lookbook Boys

    As girly as I can be, part of me wishes I could be a boy- just to look this cool...
    I think it's the hats, vests and perfectly beat up briefcases that really do it for me.

    What boy's looks do you want to steal?
    There are going to be two special posts tomorrow!!

    Maria Sig 2

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Lookbook Boys

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Daily Photo

    Today's Daily Photo is of my ticket stub to see Toy Story 3 tonight with Liz. I miss my normal Tuesday night dates with you. Always our date/movie night! I also miss the silly fella behind the concession stand at the movie theater! The one that said he was a pirate! Oh my, he was so funny! I hope that when we move back to the Franklin area we can pick up where we left off! Can't let our bucket go to waste! I wish you could've been there for our movie. It was so wonderful. But don't worry, it's one of those that I'll be at Walmart for at midnight upon it's release. Must buy it! I'd like to get all 3 Toy Story movies so that our kids can watch them in the future! I can't believe you're going to be here in just 36 hours! So excited! [To see Mike's Daily Photo, CLICK HERE!]


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Daily Photo

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Tuesday, again?!

    Howdy ho there, partner! Two updates in one day you say? Whaaa! Okay okay... Liz and I just got back from seeing Toy Story 3. We decided to forgo our usual gym routine and treat ourselves to some childhood flashbacks, laughs, and probably some tears, too. 

    First off, can you believe the first Toy Story came out fifteen years ago! I was only SEVEN! Oh my! While I can't tell you too terribly much about the second one (it's been a while!), I can tell you that without a doubt, this was the best movie I've seen this year! Tuesdays were always my date night with Mike, so I had to do a little compromising but we had a wonderful time. Movie tickets are so expensive in NYC ($16.50 each! Eep!) but it was well worth it! There wasn't a single minute of the movie that wasn't entertaining! So much laughter and so many memories. I thought it was awesome how it was definitely made for our generation. Not even for our little brothers or sisters. There's so much that kids today wouldn't understand and it was a wonderful ending to a great story. I held back the tears (for the most part) until I saw a guy 2 rows up from me crying. Then I just kinda decided to go with it. There was a girl behind me that at one point had to catch her breath. It was definitely a treat and I recommend it to anyone who wants a little taste of nostalgia.

    Afterwards I popped over to The Lyric Diner and grabbed a veggie burger to go. You'd think that all I ever ingested were pickles, Naked juices, and oj by the looks of my fridge! Grocery shopping tomorrow... a must! Now I'm hanging out at home while I wait on Mike to get back home so we can Skype.

    Tomorrow is my last day of work for the week! I have Thursday, Friday, AND Monday off since Mike is in town! Woo hoo! You can be that this weekend will be full of photos, picnics and adventures! I'm so excited he gets to come visit for the holiday! Do any of you have any sweet plans for the 4th?! This is my first year away from home [and by away I mean "away away" aka 1000 miles from my family]. I don't know what we'll get into, but I can for sure tell you that we will NOT be going to Governor's Island! She and Him are playing a free show but I can't even imagine the mad house! 

    Anywhoo, I'm off of here! Im gonna try to catch the series premier of Huge online! There was a big ruckus over it at work today and apparently everyone loved it. Did you watch it? What did you think?  I'll be back with my daily photo soon!


    PS; Thanks for everyone's reactions and comments on the last post! It was really great to hear what you had to say! The gal who asked followed up on my FormSpring and I directed her here. Hopefully she'll gather some reinforcement from all of your amazing words!

    PPS; Danielle of Sometimes Sweet featured me on her blog today for Tattoo Tuesday! Such an honor to be asked and I'm still incredibly flattered. Thanks so much Danielle! CLICK HERE if you'd like to read it!

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Tuesday, again?!

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FormSpring and Body Issues

    I received this question in my FormSpring today upon getting home from work. I answered in a very, very, very long (and probably totally redundant) answer, but I wanted to share the question and answer with you all and see how you would answer it. (Even if you aren't a size 12 :P).

    QUESTION: "i think you give inspiration to girls who arent stick thin; however, i am a size 12 and i have trouble finding guys to overlook my size and not think im fat or not datable, so in that sense im jealous that you have mike. i wish i could find my mike!"
    MY ANSWER: well thanks, but first and foremost, a guy should never have to "overlook" your size! that's ridiculous! you are YOU! plain and simple! you are NOT the number on the tag of your jeans! if a guy won't date you simply because you're not a 2 or 4 or a whatever, then frankly, who gives a hoot! that guy obviously isn't worth his weight in dog poop anyhow! 
    Yes, mike is amazing. absolutely. he's my prince charming, but not because he lowered his standards to date me (whoever has made you think that being a size 12 makes you unworthy of a date is absolutely looney!). i am NOT the tag on the dress i just bought. i am not the tag on the jeans i no longer wear. i'm not even the red hair and the tattoos that cover my body... i'm kaelah. i'm the personality inside of this body. i'm the intelligence inside of my brain.  
    If you wear your size/weight on your shoulders, THAT is when guys will start to pass you up. they'll say "nah, no thanks" because you're so bogged down on yourself... you can't see the big picture. be proud of who you are. wear things that flatter your body, no matter if you're 100 pounds or 250! find comfort in your body because i honestly believe it when they say that no one can love you until you love yourself! 
    Girls that overanalyze everything, down to the single tenth of a pound on the scale, are the kinds of girls guys don't want to bother with. they're too much. they're too much "me me me". instead, celebrate you as an individual, and celebrate the both of you as a couple. no one wants to be stuck around a negative nancy all the time!
    You WILL find your mike. but first you need to find YOU. :) <3
    Also, you can't wait for someone to come around and make you feel good about yourself. believe me. there are more people out there that want to bring you down more than anything, but you can't let them. you can't wait for a fella to come knocking on your door and rave over how gorgeous you are... until YOU make YOURSELF feel gorgeous. i love mike, yes. and i love that mike thinks i'm the most beautiful girl to walk the land even on days where i feel like absolute crap.... but guess what, even if i didnt have mike.. i'd feel the same way about myself. i love myself with or without a boyfriend, and you should too. 
    We often get so caught up in being our own worst critic that we forget to also be our own biggest fan. <3


    With that being said, where do you stand on this issue? Is being "chubby" or "fat" or a "size 12" a proper way to toss someone from a potential dating pool? Just curious. I get questions like this all the time, so I thought I'd open it up and see what y'all had to say. How would you answer this question? 

    Off to see a movie with Liz! I'll be back tonight!


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Tagged by MarySew!

    I was tagged by MarySew to answer her 8 questions. She went on to tag 7 other people as well. So now it's my turn to answer her 8 and then tag 8 people to answer my 8! Lots of eights floating around! Okay!

    1. Are you a facebook junkie?
    No. I actually despise Facebook for the most part. I held out for so long and didn't get one, but finally gave in because that's what everyone at my school used. So we would all Facebook Chat with each other during class. This was actually a resourceful tool for passing along notes we may have missed, etc. I log in and check it, but I update rarely and I don't even mess with any of those event things or games. Gah!

    . I give all kind of things stupid names (my TV’s name is Stevie, my iPod’s name is Lydia, my former vacuum cleaner was called the Pornstar.. ) do you give things names? If yes, give some examples.

    Absolutely! My car (a silver Pontiac Solstice) is named Delilah, my MacBook Pro is named Francois, I had a sweet Fender Telecaster named Moxie. I'm sure there are more but those are the ones jumping out at me.

    3. Are you rooting for a team in the soccer/football worldcup? If yes, which team?

    No. I mean, I have home-team pride and all, so I would've been proud of the US had they made it farther but I don't really give a hoot about soccer and I don't pretend to during the World Cup (which a lot of people are guilty of! I'm looking at you! ;P)

    What is your most annoying habit?

    I bite my nails. Gross, I know. Other than that, I don't really have any that I'm aware of really. (They may be annoying to others... but not so much myself haha)

    Buffy Summers, Summer Glau or Midsummer Night’s Dream?

    I have no idea?

    If you were a rock star, what would your rock star name be?

    That's a tough one... Penny. Plain and simple. Not very "rock star"-esque but then again, I doubt I'd be playing too much "rock". I'm more laid back.

    7. What’s the title of the nearest book you can grab?

    There's a big pile of magazines next to me... but the books are all in the back of the office (yes, I'm at work right now. haha)

    What is your favourite song right now?

    I'm really loving "Clementine" by Sarah Jaffe still. Someone suggested it in my FormSpring last week and man, they were SO spot on! You can download it in this week's mixtape by going back a couple of entries! 

    Awesome! Now it's my turn to tag some lovely folks! I normally bypass this part of the deal but I'll play fair this time! Up next is:

    And my eight questions are:

    1. If you could have a tea party and invite any 4 people, who would you invite and why?
    2. What is one city you'd love to explore?
    3. Describe your perfect day!
    4. What are some of your guilty pleasures? (Music, food, movies, etc)
    5. What is your astrological sign and do you think you fit the description?
    6. When do you feel your prettiest?
    7. Do you keep a written journal or diary?
    8. What is your main life goal?

    Be sure to leave links to your answers so I can see!


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Tuesday, Shmoozeday!

    dress: forever 21, cardigan: charlotte russe, belt: thrift, tights: walmart, ring: meggs, flats: kmart

    I received this adorable little ring in the mail courtesy of Meggs early last week (or even the week before that! eep!) and I was so excited to wear it with my ultimate favorite dress (see the dress in the banner up top!) but I sadly came to the realization that the dress was missing! Apparently I had left it all the way back in Tennessee and it took me 3 weeks to notice! (But it's totally my favorite dress, ya know?! ;P) I called Mike in a panic and being the awesome boyfriend that he is, he found my dress! He shipped it to me Express and it was supposed to arrive last Friday. Of course Monday rolled around and I was really bummed that it still hadn't shown up (it'd be impossible to find this dress again since the store flooded and ModCloth took it down!) BUT upon returning from the gym last night, there it was, waiting for me! Basically this was a whole paragraph swooning over that dress, but I'm not even wearing it today! Mike loves it so I'm saving it for Thursday when I meet him at the airport! Cheesy, I know! Anywhoo! I picked up this dress ($15! Woo!) this past weekend at the new Forever 21 and it was perfect! Ripped tights, black cardigan (just to be modest) and a red thrifted belt to boot! Of course Meggs' ring was the icing on the cake! CLICK HERE to visit her shop and check out her adorable little handmades! Thanks so much Meggs!

    I'm wearing my ripped tights again, obviously. And to the nasty person who left the "you have chubby legs!" in my FormSpring, try again. UM HELLO?! Did you just get to Planet Earth?! I know my legs are chubby, but I won't sit here and allow you to make me feel bad/sorry about myself! That's just silly! Heaven forbid a girl be comfortable in her own skin! Sweet pea, I'm gonna own these chubby legs... don't you worry! ;) 

    With that being said, I just got to work and put together some boxes for Laurie. Now I must get on task and work on an ad! Also, ALL of the large ads have been sold for July! How exciting! I do have a few SMALL spots available if anyone is interested! Just click "Sponsor KaelahBee" over in the right sidebar to find out how!

    It's going to be a glorious Tuesday! I hope you're all prepared for the heat! (It's already 86 degrees in NYC! Gah!)


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Tuesday, Shmoozeday!

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Lace Your Heart

    Lace Your Heart
    Lace Your Heart
    Lace Your Heart
    I was so excited about my new hat and boots arriving today, that I just had to do a shoot. I've been wanting a more straight, wider brimmed hat for sometime. I like this one from UO, but I do wish it was a bit more durable and a little less flimsy. Oh, well. It does the job.

    Plus, I'm really psyched about my new boots. I've been searching for a pair of brown lace up boots for some time and when I found these on Etsy, I knew they just had to be mine. They're the perfect shade and I adore their side buckle.
    Lace Your Heart
    Lace Your Heart
    Lace Your Heart
    Lace Your Heart
    Photos by Cole. Thanks, darling!
    Felt boater hat: Urban Outfitters
    Retrospective Romper: c/o ModCloth
    Harness belt: Madewell
    The Heart's Reasons necklace: c/o ModCloth
    Vintage brown boots: Lousy Beatnik, Etsy

    Dot tights: Target
    Thank you so much for all the sweet comments about my being zapped. I'm feeling better today and only woke up slightly stiff. So I'm assuming no serious damage was done. ;)

    Maria Sig 2

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Lace Your Heart

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Daily Photo

    Today's Daily Photo hails from the office. I have this specific pair of tights that I really love (Walmart! Hayyyy!) and they're a nice thickness and rather opaque for only being one pair (and $6!). I've been less than pleased with my H&M and Target tights, so I was really bummed when I put a hole in these. As you can see, the hole continues to grow. It spans pretty much the length of my leg at the moment (which we all know is stubby anyway haha). At least ripped tights are "in" right?! Maybe I'll just look like I'm trying to ~fit in. I really can't wait for you to be here in a couple days. And with several pairs of tights in tow! (Don't forget!) Also, my tripod! I can't believe I'm asking you to lug all of this 1,000 miles to NYC. Either way, I'm excited you're coming. Even more excited that I'm in the clear for being off of work Thursday-Monday, AND you can stay all 4 nights. Love you! (CLICK HERE to see Mike's Daily Photo.)


    PS; In case you're new around these parts, Mike is my boyfriend and he's in Nashville while I'm living in NYC. We take a "Daily Photo" every single day to document something we've done, and then we post them on each of our blogs at the exact same time with a little note to each other. Kind of like a little glimpse into our days while we're apart. Just 5 more weeks and I'm back in sweet Tennessee.

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