So I give you our Sunday Funday...
For starters, a drunk lady spilled a drink alllll over both my sidekick AND my iphone this weekend at work... yep, you heard right. I was able to salvage my iphone (praise!) but my sidekick refused to open properly and all of my buttons stuck. So I took it upon myself to trek over to T-Mobile and get a new Sidekick. Yeah... my contract was supposed to be up in July, but I needed a phone now so now T-Mobile has me yet again until July 2012. Poor poor me. At least my phone is cool. I bought the 2009 Chrome LX. It's nice. So long, little Brown! I really loved you!

Yesterday Mike and I started the day by cleaning out our cars! Oh joy! Mine needed it SOOO SO bad! I need to have it detailed but maybe later haha We found so much random crap in my trunk! And about 15 coffee mugs in Mike's car. No lie.
Here's my little baby Delilah... and there's AJ's car in the background.

Georgia jumped up in the drivers seat and just hung out for a while. She had her paw up on the console. So cute! She was ~just chillin.
And then she turned into a ladybug...
Mike had the brilliant idea of taking photos of all the crap we found in my trunk and listing it as a legit ~outfit. So here you go... if you ever wondered what fit in my tiny tiny trunk (not that I think you ever would), now you know!
Sweater: Goodwill
Star Wars shirt: Vintage
Red Dress: Forever 21
White scarf: Target?
Ladybug wings: Halloween 2008
Umbrella: No clue
(You can't see, but I'm DEF wearing brown crocs, too! EW! They went straight into the trash can. I have no clue why they were in my car...)
Then we went grocery shopping and went for a nice drive. We drove around Brentwood with the top down on my car (I think Mike likes to drive my car with the top down because the Chanel sticker doesnt show on my back window hahaha) We stopped by this old building for a few ~outfit photos. I look a bit haggard because my hair was a mess and I didn't much feel like photos. :) But we've found a new spot for photos so maybe we'll go back soon!
Dress: I have no clue... in my closet from 3+ years ago.
Cardigan: Charlotte Russe ($25)
Tights: Walmart ($10)
Tights: Walmart ($10)
Flats: Charlotte Russe ($22)
Headband: Charlotte Russe ($7)
oh... and then Georgia decided to go play in the muddy creek bed behind our house.. yep.. that happened. This dog LOVES water and mud and anything she can splash around in. She was having such a ball! I took so many photos and Mike even posted some at his blog. You can see the rest on My Flickr.
Speaking of Mike's blog... I made him a header and a blog button last night so pop on over, say hello, follow him if you'd like, and maybe spread the Miike-word by putting his button on your page? He'd be happy to return the favor!
Alright y'all! I gotta head to Print 2 class! Off I go!
Have a Merry Monday!
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→Sunday Funday
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