It's been a while since I've blogged about the project I started back in January, 52 weeks of instax: one instax photo for each week of the year 2011. But that doesn't mean I haven't been keeping up. A few weeks ago I finally got around to photographing weeks 1-27.
Remember it's never too late to join in! You can find an instax camera here, and more posts about 52 weeks here. Also, be sure to post your photos to the 52 weeks flickr group!!
I'll be back later with weeks 28, 29 and 30's photos!
I even made a little gif to show them all off...
From now on Sunday is my designated day to blog about the 52 weeks of instax project! Each week I'll share my photo from the week, maybe a little story about it, maybe even share some of my favorite photos from other people participating, just things related to the project. Remember it's never too late to join in! You can find an instax camera here, and more posts about 52 weeks here. Also, be sure to post your photos to the 52 weeks flickr group!!
I'll be back later with weeks 28, 29 and 30's photos!
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→52 Weeks of Instax!
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