Dandelion Seed

    These photos are from the same location as the Country Cabin Bumpkin photos, but the front of the barn. These are the ones we were shooting when we got kind of run off the property. Luckily we still have a few to choose from! 

    Last night was the birthday cookout for Susannah! We grilled, ate corn on the cobb, sat on the deck with great conversation, walked down to the Bonner Road Inn for a few drinks, walked back and grilled out again at 2am, and was so incredibly deep into business conversation until well past 3am. I really love talking business with Mike. We have this sort of relationship that just is like fast paced badminton. We just serve it right back. I didn't think it could possibly get any better... then Susannah joined in! Holy cow. I don't think I've ever felt so inspired in my life! We even started an idea notebook last night full of scribbles and doodles. I promise you'll be hearing more about that when the time is right! 

    For now I need to get dresses! Woo! We're spending the day in the city, going to see Les Savy Fav, and poke around various neighborhoods of Chicago. So far this trip has been a blast! If you see us today, don't hesitate to come say hi! Even after meeting two readers so far on this trip, I can't guarantee I won't stumble over my words and be awkward, but I can at least try! xo

    ? dress via Ross
    H&M cardigan
    Thrifted belt
    H&M bike shorts
    Blowfish Shoes (15% off with code BFKAELAH15)

    PS; Does anyone know where to get polyester/nylon bike shorts with black lace trim like the ones I'm wearing?! I've ripped them and H&M only has cotton ones this year. American Apparels aren't lace trim (and I hate that company so I don't shop there), and WalMarts are just plain, too.  

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Dandelion Seed

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