a dress that i have in 4 different fabrics. its cheap and easy. it also comes in a floor length, which also rules. the poncho is 12th street. its heavy and warm---and its a workout to wear this thing--my shoulders start to ache like i'm wearing a backpack in middle school, and after an hour or two i gotta take it off and give it a rest! i love all of their printed sweaters, their prints in general are all fantastic...and i love the people that work there. they are my bros.
i got a gift certificate to neiman marcus for my bday and it was burning a hole in my pocket, so i bought these. they are the poor man's ann demuelemeester fall 08 boots, but it's ok. i cant spend 2 g's on a pair of combat boots! but if i could, i definitely would, and i would be stoked. for now, these! shoddy tripod photography: me