I haven't bought any film for my thrifted Duaflex II yet but that hasn't stopped me from playing with it. TTV (through the viewfinder) photos just might be my favorite thing ever. I love the way they look. Despite my need for tons of megapixels and flip screens, I can't resist the look of grainy lo-fi photos. Some of the pumpkins we've carved!
my pumpkin. not very creative because i'm a terrible, whiny carver. "my hand huuuurts"
kevin's pumpkin. he's currently obsessed with mustaches.
The camera is also really neat because if you lay it down you can see the object in another area too!
I'll share more TTV photos soon! I've gotta run now, I've got some decorating to do then it'll be time for the trick or treaters to come! xoxo