Here are a few photos to start the entry with... My left earlobe made it's way to 7/8" on its own, and it's JUST slightly shy of 1" so hopefully here soon I'll be there. We've been wrapping our plugs for stretching purposes because it requires a lot less of my ears. As some of you know, my right lobe got snagged and slightly jerked early last year and it tore just a teeeeensy little bit about 2 days after I had stretched it to 3/4". It was painful enough for me to take out my plug completely and let it heal up properly. I didn't want there to be any strange scarring around my plug so I gave it 13 months to heal perfectly. Luckily I have verrry very little scar tissue and I tried putting a regular earring in my ear the other day and who would've known.... there was still an open hole! I guess my mom getting me interested in body modification early on helped! (I had my ears first pierced at 6 weeks old). It still had an immense amount of elasticity in it so I'm now a bit lopsided with a 15/16" plug and an 8g plug haha I want to go very very slowly though as to not risk a blowout (My left earlobe is in PERFECT condition... never had a blowout and I intend on keeping it that way). I'm excited to be on the way to evening them out, even if I look a bit silly for a little while.

On Sunday, Mike and I woke up bright and early at 9am (well, that's bright and early to me when I stroll in from work after 3am) and got ready to venture up to Hermitage to pick up his son, Toby. The weather was gloomy and rainy and it was just not a pretty day. We drove down to Murfreesboro to celebrate his grandmother's birthday with his parents, sister & children, aunt and uncle, and grandparents. It was really really nice. His family was so welcoming and polite. They treated me just like family, which I greatly appreciated. His stepmom, Terri, made the most delicious vegetarian enchiladas for us (She even made some to send home with us! Yum!). Toby let me feed him at lunch and it made me feel like I had taken on step-mother duties. I enjoyed it very much. He walked all over the place! After some yummy cake, a wonderful conversation with his uncle on traveling Europe and art/art history, we departed (We arrived at noon and left at 6pm so it was quite a day!). We left so we could meet up with Mike's older brother Ryan, and his two friends, who were driving back to Oxford, MS from Washington DC. We all convened at Logan's in West Nashville and had dinner. After that we headed back to the north east side of Nashville to take Toby back to Sarah. We got home finally at 9:30pm. Phew! We were worn out! We stayed up to catch up on Community, The Office and Modern Family on Hulu before passing out.
Monday came and went. We woke up, I ran some errands, went to Print 2 class, went to Marshall's and got a dress while I was on the hunt for a laptop bag. Mike met me and we went to Nashville and hit up a few more stores. We ate breakfast/lunch/dinner at Tequila's (a Mexican restaurant in West Nash... we've made a very very bad habit of eating one meal a day. awful, I know. Our metabolism's aren't happy). My tummy did NOT agree with Mexican at all and all I wanted to do was throw up all night. ugh.
While we were at Marshall's, I saw the MOST darling little pink eyelet dress that I know my daughter will one day wear. (It's size 6 months, and NO I'm not pregnant, nor do I have any plans to be ANYYYY time soon.) It's just a bunch of wishful thinking. I told my mom this and she said "Buy a doll" hahahaha Oh Mom!
I was supposed to head over to Merissa's last night to study Art History with the girls. Sadly my tummy would not cooperate so I stayed in. The night ended with a far-less-than-pleasant conversation with someone followed by the sad disappointment of a movie, Did You Hear About The Morgans? We finally set ourselves for sleep about 2:30 and I woke up at 9.
I headed out to campus at 9:45 and piddled around with Merissa and such until class at 11. Now I'm at Panera trying to get a little bit of work done while Mike files his taxes. I need to be making Art History flashcards for the exam on Friday. Lots of studying to be done before then! You have no idea how difficult these tests are! Gah!
I hope everyone had a chance to download the mixtape I posted last night. If not, it's in the entry before this one. I think y'all would like some of the songs so give it a listen! If you hate it, you can always delete it :P
Also, I have some invite codes for Shop It To Me... It's a website that alerts you when some of your favorite brands have huge sales and such! The other day was 30% off Marc Jacobs! Swoon! CLICK HERE to sign up. It's easy peasy and you can even opt out of the emails (or set them to only come once a week/month). You can also score free giftcards to places like Starbucks, Urban Outfitters, J.Crew, etc. I've already received $40 worth of giftcards to Starbucks haha Coffee Coffee Coffee!
I'll be back later with Tattoo Tuesday and other fun treats!
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