Here are a few images from the last couple days (iPhone quality, forgive me!). We went to TJ Maxx the other day and I fell in LOVE with this gorgeous dinnerware set! It's a beautiful pale ashy blue with ornate edges. The bowls are darling and the teacups and saucers are even cuter! Eep! I cannot wait to finally settle down in our OWN home and build from there. I'm sure a couple of years of apartment living will be up first, but we shall see! (Peep the matching yellow set on the shelf below! They even had white! They had the teacups in pink but not the place settings... plus, Mike would never go for all pink plates! haha)

Mike surprised me at school the other night with a strawberry (I mean "Big Dreams") cupcake from IveyCake (my favorite!). I was hard at work studying for my Art History exam and Kayce was there, too, so he ran out and brought one for her as well. So sweet!
We've gotten in this habit of cooking dinner, crawling into the couch and turning on Hulu or Dexter. We made yummy veggie stir fry the other night, threw it into a bowl and settled in. Granted we only ate a few bites each (it fills you up!) but it was DEEEELISH!
I've had 3 boxes of expired Polaroid film and some come out, some don't. I've been taking the ones that don't process correctly and writing short little snip-its and inspirational quotes on the to hang around and send to my penpals. Both of these were mailed off the other day so be on the lookout for little surprises!
As you've read, Sunday Mike and I took Toby down to Hohenwald so we could spend the day with my parents. They were overjoyed at the chance to meet the little heartthrob. As soon as we showed up, they showered him with little gifts they had bought him. My mom bought him a Thomas the Engine plush and educational sound book, and my stepdad bought him an oversized Panda stuffed animal. He had so much fun with them. He definitely stole their hearts immediately. My nana came over, too, and was tickled to death by him. Shortly thereafter, both Toby and I became very very sleepy. We laid him down on my parents bed for a nap and before I knew it, both he and I were sound asleep. Mike came in to check on us at one point and I was halfway off the bed. I woke up not too long after and he and my stepdad left to get dinner. We had yummy veggie fajitas and such and conversed for a while. My stepdad's parents stopped by at one point and then Toby woke up. We played for a bit and then said our goodbyes, we were on our way back to Franklin. Sarah came to pick up Toby not too long after and our house became very quiet. I think Georgia was a little confused why her little visitor had left.
We took this opportunity to go get Dexter Season 3 from Blockbuster and settle in for a long night of episodes. We watched 3 before deciding to turn in for the night. I was jostled awake by an incredible pain in my lower left abdomen at about 6am or so. I could have sworn I was dying. I thought I needed to wake up Mike to take me to the ER but I assured myself I'd be fine and somehow managed to go back to sleep. Off and on all day, I went to Print class and we ran errands. It came back as we went out to eat for lunch. He took me home and I took a nap while he ran to his house in Nashville. He came home and we started watching Dexter once more. We're 3 episodes in tonight and we'll probably watch a couple more before bed. Tomorrow is a busy day of homework for me!
Oh, I'm not sure if I ever blogged about it or not, but I'm happy to say that next Wednesday, I shall be getting my calves tattooed! Well, we're starting on one. Hopefully we'll get a good ways through it (we're shooting for at least a 3 hour session) but I'm going to approve the sketch next Tuesday. Hopefully it all goes well and turns out great, then I can show you! I'm very excited about it. I feel like it's a big step for me... to tattoo my legs. My arms are one thing... but now I feel like I'm really getting into some heavier modification and I'm very excited.
I apologize for my lack of enthusiasm for blogging as of late. Sometimes I get in these funks where I lose a little bit of motivation. I love blogging and I've been doing it for almost a decade now. I don't think I'll ever stop. However, sometimes it's harder than others to muster up the enthusiasm to blog about my day to day life or scour the internet for some great inspiration. But this too shall pass! I'm sure it's nothing!
I'll be the ripe ol' age of 22 in 29 minutes! Hope it's a great year!
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