Best Law School

    This Law Schools List can help you only be guided through existing Law Schools then you should finally evaluator of what law school is best for you. Visit each law school that you are seriously considering to choose where you would like to spend several enjoyable and educational years. You should think also where you will get a job after all and probably settle down.


    1 Yale U (CT)
    2 Harvard U (MA)
    3 Stanford U (CA)
    4 Columbia U (NY)
    5 New York U
    6 UC Berkeley (Boalt)
    7 U Chicago
    8 U Pennsylvania
    9 U Michigan-Ann Arbor
    10 Duke U (NC)
    11 Northwestern U (IL)
    12 U Virginia
    13 Cornell U (NY)
    14 Georgetown U (DC)
    15 UCLA
    16 U Texas-Austin
    17 Vanderbilt U (TN)
    18 U Southern California
    19 Washington U (MO)
    20* Boston U
    21 Emory U (GA)
    22 U Minnesota-Twin Cities
    23 Indiana U-Bloomington
    24 U Illinois (UIUC)
    25 U Notre Dame (IN)
    26 Boston College
    27 U Iowa
    28 William and Mary (VA)
    29 George Washington U
    (estimated) UC Irvine
    30 Fordham U (NY)
    31 U Alabama
    32 U North Carolina
    33 U Washington
    34 Washington & Lee U
    35 Ohio State U
    36 UC Davis
    37 U Georgia
    38 U Wisconsin-Madison
    39 UC (Hastings)
    40 Wake Forest U (NC)
    41 Brigham Young U (UT)
    42 George Mason U (VA)
    43 U Arizona (Rogers)
    44 U Maryland
    45 American U (DC)
    46 Tulane U (LA)
    47 U Colorado-Boulder
    48 U Utah
    49 Southern Methodist U
    50 Yeshiva U (Cardozo)
    51 U Florida
    52 Florida State U
    53 U Cincinnati
    54 U Connecticut
    55 Arizona State U
    56 Case Western Reserve
    57 Pepperdine U (CA)
    58 U Kentucky
    59 U Houston
    60 U Tennessee-Knoxville
    61 Brooklyn Law School
    62 Lewis and Clark (OR)
    63 U San Diego
    64 Villanova U (PA)
    65 Baylor U (TX)
    66 Georgia State U
    67 Pennsylvania State U
    68 Temple U (PA)
    69 U Kansas
    70 U Missouri-Columbia
    71 Loyola (Los Angeles)
    72 U Miami (FL)
    73 U Oklahoma
    74 U Pittsburgh
    75 Louisiana State U
    76 U Nevada-Las Vegas
    77 IIT (Chicago-Kent)
    78 Rutgers-Camden (NJ)
    89 Seattle U
    80 Seton Hall U (NJ)
    81 U Denver (Sturm)
    82 U New Mexico
    83 U Oregon
    84 U Richmond (VA)
    85 Santa Clara U (CA)
    86 U at Buffalo-SUNY
    87 DePaul U (IL)
    88 Indiana U-Indianapolis
    89 Loyola U Chicago
    90 Marquette U (WI)
    91 Rutgers-Newark (NJ)
    92* St. John's U (NY)
    93 U South Carolina
    94 Catholic U (DC)
    95 Northeastern U (MA)
    96 St. Louis U
    97 U of Arkansas-Fayetteville
    98 U Louisville (KY)
    99 U of San Francisco
    100 Gonzaga University

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Best Law School

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