i will never get over the super tall gladiator sandal. in fact, it's the only sandal i will ever wear. my question is why is it the chupacabra of sandals? why don't people make more of these bad boys? if any of you know of any that exist in the world at this moment, give up the deats!
dressing like a dirtbag, apparently made me act like a dirtbag---giving the nonchalant finger and lurking around in alleys....creep! this is as basic as it gets for me. tank, tee, flannel. i can find them all on my floor at any given moment. so when the alarm goes off and i keep hitting snooze, and then realize holy shiiii.....i have to leave in 10 minutes. this is what you get. i haven't posted in eons, i realize.....i suck. work is kicking my italian ass right now. tomorrow i'm going on a one day road trip for a shoot with p.b., so at least i will have a change-up in my concrete jungle scenery! you'll find out where i'm goin' soon enough----if i can get around to putting the post up.....holy vicious cycle!
flannel/b.f.'s, tank/seneca rising, shorts/one teaspoon (shoddy you rule), bag/topshop, pics/z.g.