decided to keep it really light with the jewelry.....
i was really into mixing the harsh harnesses with the chiffon flowy it a bit...
little tiny adorable doll face.....
ode to the neverending story......
here's a little sneaky pete peek of the twelfth street resort lookbook i styled. i thiiiink it was my favorite shoot we've done yet. clothes in amazing prints that i want to put on my body immediately, harnesses, headpieces, ombre sunset backdrops, boatloads of jewelry, my bro zoey behind the lens, and one of my favorite models......yes yes and hells to the yes. next up for me is painting my bedroom wall this epic gradated color you think this would be this most painstaking diy project ever? i'm pretty obsessed.
(shoddy fuzzy pixelated photos from my phone courtesy of me. except for the last one obviously. it was either that or nothing!)