Today Mike and I loaded up about 70 pounds of my belongings into a huge 4-wheeled suitcase and a duffel bag... we decided to ship a bit of my stuff home with him because as it turns out, I will be a Nashville resident once more about 2 weeks earlier than expected. Don't worry, nothing bad has happened! I love BUST and NYC with the amount of fervor that I always have, but responsibility calls and Mike and I need to find a place to live... pronto! A lot will be going on with school this semester and there are a lot of things in the works for me... but don't worry! Everything is more than amazing at the moment so I'll take the next few days to talk everything over and let you know about my plans. But as I sit here, realizing that I should have just over a month left of my NYC adventures, I am also staring at flights to Nashville for July 23rd... yes, just 18 days away. Again, more on that later! Don't worry your pretty little heads though. Things are fine and dandy!
Anyway, we headed up to Harlem on the subway to catch the M60 bus to Queens/La Guardia because I knew if we caught it in Astoria then we'd be stuck most likely taking a cab because his luggage was so big. It worked out well for us and we went to the airport where the suitcase weighed in at 49 pounds! 49! I swear, I am THE champion of getting it RIGHT under 50 pounds! Every time! We said our goodbyes and it was back on the M60 for me as I started to read Eat, Pray, Love.
I don't even know where to start with the photos. We took two disposables, several photos with the DSLR, and a TON of Instax polaroids. Those will be scanned eventually... I don't even know where to start with the adventures of the weekend either! I guess I'll just pick up with what I didn't write about yesterday! Yes? yes!
Mike and I packed up and headed to Central Park. We decided to lounge on the Great Lawn once more. It was scorching! But it was a glorious day to lay in the shade with a pillow and blanket! We had pasta from Oxford Cafe and fresh fruit, too! I even packed up a yummy little salad! Afterwards we headed downtown to St Marks and grabbed some Red Mango (Pomegranate froyo for the win!) before going home. We took it easy. We decided to forgo the fireworks on the Hudson due to the massive crowd and our sincere lack of interest in fireworks shot off by other people, and we walked around my neighborhood, happened into Noodles 28 and had some yummy Vietnamese dishes. We ended up back at the apartment watching Notting Hills and snuggling in bed until 11am.
Our 4th of July picnic:

Our 4th of July picnic:
Our dinner at Noodles 28 (also in celebration of our 7 months together [which was today!!!] hooray!):
Yummy spring rolls.
Mike had veggie lo-mein and dumplings.
I just had the veggie lo-mein. (Anyone else think dumplings are totally gross?!)
Now I'm just going to throw out a bunch of random photos and I'll write short little captions if necessary. I literally have a ton of photos so I'll only post a handful tonight. Then maybe some disposables tomorrow and what not! Plus I have a nice little giveaway and a We Love Colors review too!
Queens, NY
Mike upon his arrival on Thursday
Such a haggard photo of myself on Thursday. I look so dirty!
My neighborhood! Madison Sq Park / Flatiron
Times Square on Thursday
Looking ridiculous in my messy/tiny room
Jackie O Reservoir at Central Park
Phew! That was really image overload so I apologize! I'll save the rest for later! How did you July 4th go? Whether you're American or not, did you have any Sunday Funday plans?!
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