Slip and Fall Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer

    It is that time of the year again. When snow and ice are the reason for a person to slip and fall and be injured there is a potential for liability to the owner of the property. Where a injured party can show that a dangerous condition has been created by the owner such as when an owner has permitted water or ice to accumulate in a manner not apparent to the injured person and the injured person is forced to encounter the condition the owner may be liable. Additionally even if the owner of the property undertakes the effort to remove, but fails to correct or creates an artificial condition, the owner may be liable. In order for a property owner to be liable, the property owner must have had actual or constructive notice of the unsafe condition in sufficient time prior to the injury to have it corrected or to have warned the party that was injured. There are countless examples where persons have fallen on ice in parking lots of shopping centers where the owner has been held liable. Maryland courts have stated when the public is led to believe that the premises have been offered for this entry, the law is clear that the occupation assumes the duty of reasonable care. The court has further found that a land owner may be liable when it allows the snow removal service to pile snow at one end of a parking lot while the parking lot drains at the opposite end. In such an example the court has found that the owner knew that the water from the melted snow would flow across the parking lot to the drain and on cool evenings the water would freeze. This is a perfect example of when an owner has created the dangerous condition. If you a family member or friend has been injured in a slip and fall accident please feel free to call my office 1-888-760-7339.

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Slip and Fall Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer

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