How To Pick Yourself Up Off The Floor

    ♥ Immerse yourself in something positive. Volunteer at a no kill animal shelter. Read to the elderly. Start an art project. Do something to create a positive influence for yourself. Negative thoughts and places are dangerous when you’re down.

    ♥ Stop letting yourself only see the negatives when you look in the mirror. I used to always think “I’d be acceptable looking if I lost 10 pounds and my skin was better.” and that’s all I saw. I saw the negatives first and I almost never saw the positives. What do you like about yourself? What good things to others see in you? Why are you unique? How are you beautiful?

    ♥ Avoid negative people for a while. It’s best to cut those people out all together, but that’s not always possible. Just take a break. You’re weak right now and you need to avoid people who will further bring you down.

    ♥ Don’t be afraid to take it easy and don’t beat yourself up for it. Just like if you had a cold, you’d try to make yourself feel better with medicine, rest, and good eating habits. You’re under the weather right now, just not physically. Do things you like, surround yourself with people you love, and don’t forget to fill your life with positive energy 24/7.

    ♥ Try something new. Change up your hair or your clothes. Stop listening to music that reinforces how you’re currently feeling. Stop watching sad movies.

    ♥ Buy a blank notebook. Draw a huge heart on the cover. Don’t write anything negative in here. If you need another outlet, make a separate notebook. This one is all about love, personal growth, and getting back up. Fill it with beautiful images, reaffirming thoughts, and quotes. Write in it every day, and each day write one thing you’re grateful for in your life.

    ♥ Get on a healthier path. Stop eating junk food. Quit smoking. Cut back on sugar. Start exercising. Get plenty of sleep. Buy some daily vitamins and drink a lot of tea each day. Replace unhealthy foods with plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink TONS of water.

    ♥ Pick up a new skill and refine it.

    ♥ Go to the bookstore and navigate yourself to the self help section. Choose a book that appeals to you the most and best applies. Read it and then go back for another.

    ♥ Dedicate at least two hours of your day to yourself. This is your writing, thinking, and growing time. You’re on a mission, you need time to complete it.

    ♥ Find someone you can talk to. Have deep conversations with them.

    ♥ Do not let yourself sink into your old habits even when you start to feel better. If you fall of the wagon, get right back on it.

    ♥ Make a list of your negative traits that you feel can be improved. Work on them one by one.

    ♥ Don’t be that person who’s always complaining or upset. When you talk to people, be positive. Find the good in every situation and point it out.

    ♥ Never be embarrassed or afraid to admit that you’re not the strongest right now. Be honest. Everyone’s been there. Don’t hide behind a mask.

    ♥ Don’t jump into new relationships or cling on to people for stability. Be your own rock.

    ♥ Be open. Try new things. Go out and do something. Meet new people. Explore opportunities.

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How To Pick Yourself Up Off The Floor

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